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Découvrez les solutions autonomes et robotiques pour l'agriculture de 2025

Avec cinq zones de démonstration cultivées, le World FIRA est le plus grand terrain de jeu pour robots au monde. Découvrez l'agriculture de demain avec plus de 40 robots exposés et en démos, des prototypes aux robots commercialisés. Du désherbage à la fertilisation, en passant par la récolte, la cueillette et le semis : l'automatisation est à l'honneur sur les parcelles cultivées, les légumes, les grandes cultures, les vergers et les vignobles!

Démonstration de robots et solutions autonomes

Filtrer par

    array(10) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#5504 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(167) ["name"]=> string(5) "Baies" ["slug"]=> string(10) "berries-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(167) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(8) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [1]=> object(WP_Term)#5505 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(182) ["name"]=> string(24) "Bétails & Volailles" ["slug"]=> string(20) "livestock-poultry-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(182) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(2) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [2]=> object(WP_Term)#5506 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(178) ["name"]=> string(6) "Fleurs" ["slug"]=> string(10) "flowers-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(178) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(5) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [3]=> object(WP_Term)#5507 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(180) ["name"]=> string(6) "Fruits" ["slug"]=> string(9) "fruits-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(180) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(12) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [4]=> object(WP_Term)#5534 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(176) ["name"]=> string(16) "Grandes Cultures" ["slug"]=> string(14) "field-crops-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(176) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(14) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [5]=> object(WP_Term)#5533 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(188) ["name"]=> string(8) "Légumes" ["slug"]=> string(13) "vegetables-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(188) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(13) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [6]=> object(WP_Term)#5532 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(184) ["name"]=> string(12) "Pépinières" ["slug"]=> string(17) "nursery-garden-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(184) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(5) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [7]=> object(WP_Term)#5531 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(174) ["name"]=> string(19) "Plantes aromatiques" ["slug"]=> string(18) "aromatic-plants-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(174) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(8) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [8]=> object(WP_Term)#5530 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(186) ["name"]=> string(7) "Vergers" ["slug"]=> string(10) "orchads-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(186) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(11) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [9]=> object(WP_Term)#5478 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(190) ["name"]=> string(9) "Vignobles" ["slug"]=> string(12) "vineyards-fr" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(190) ["taxonomy"]=> string(15) "type_de_culture" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(16) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } }
  • Baies

  • Bétails & Volailles

  • Fleurs

  • Fruits

  • Grandes Cultures

  • Légumes

  • Pépinières

  • Plantes aromatiques

  • Vergers

  • Vignobles

AgBot 5115.T2


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Aigro Up (4×4/wide)


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ARA (pitch seulement)


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Aura – Démo Virtuelle


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Daedong KIOTI RT100


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DeLaval Plus – Démo Virtuelle


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Escarda Compact Duo


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Farming GT


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Farming GT – Pitch Seulement


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Intelligent Fruit-Picking Robot


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MasterPicker et FXP pour l’agro-industrie / FST pour le recyclage des déchets


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Modèles Tortuga « F » et « G » pour fraise ou raisin de table


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Mula 1250


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New Holland Advanced Vision Assisted Guidance pour tracteurs spécialisés T4 FNV


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Orbiba Robot


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Sabi Agri et Ceol par Inrae – TSCF


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Slopehelper – Broyeur à tambour


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Slopehelper – Cueilleur de pommes


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Slopehelper – Cueilleur de raisin


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Smart Farm


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Systèmes intégrés de robotique et de surveillance dans l’agriculture


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The Weader and Maverick


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Tipard 350


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En savoir plus


object(stdClass)#4641 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "156" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "6" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "10:00:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "10:30:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(38) "Atelier : Prenons en main les robots !" ["description_event"]=> string(633) "Lors d’une session dynamique de 30 minutes, découvrez les étapes clés de la configuration d\'une mission d’un robot. Au cours de cet atelier, vous assisterez à une démonstration détaillée sur l’application du constructeur, qui vous guidera à travers la mise en place des principales fonctionnalités nécessaires au lancement des travaux : paramétrage de l’outil (largeur, poids…), vitesse, sens de travail,... Ensuite, ce sera à votre tour de prendre les commandes : démarrez la mission directement depuis l\'interface du robot, vous offrant ainsi une expérience pratique et immersive. Avec Naïo Technologies" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "1479" ["localisation"]=> string(20) "Zone Expo - Scène 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7140" ["name_category"]=> string(8) "Workshop" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

10:00 - 10:30

Zone Expo - Scène 2

Lors d’une session dynamique de 30 minutes, découvrez les étapes clés de la configuration d'une mission d’un robot. Au cours de cet atelier, vous assisterez à une démonstration détaillée sur l’application du constructeur, qui vous guidera à travers la mise en place des principales fonctionnalités nécessaires au lancement des travaux : paramétrage de l’outil (largeur, poids…), vitesse, sens de travail,... Ensuite, ce sera à votre tour de prendre les commandes : démarrez la mission directement depuis l'interface du robot, vous offrant ainsi une expérience pratique et immersive. Avec Naïo Technologies


Lors d’une session dynamique de 30 minutes, découvrez les étapes clés de la configuration d'une mission d’un robot. Au cours de cet atelier, vous assisterez à une démonstration détaillée sur l’application du constructeur, qui vous guidera à travers la mise en place des principales fonctionnalités nécessaires au lancement des travaux : paramétrage de l’outil (largeur, poids…), vitesse, sens de travail,... Ensuite, ce sera à votre tour de prendre les commandes : démarrez la mission directement depuis l'interface du robot, vous offrant ainsi une expérience pratique et immersive.
Avec Naïo Technologies


object(stdClass)#4636 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "167" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "10:00:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "10:45:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(47) "Travaux de la vigne : pulvérisation et guidage" ["description_event"]=> string(0) "" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(14) "7743,7557,7213" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(1) "7" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7151" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(22) "Wednesday 5th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mer 5

10:00 - 10:45

Demo zone 1


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7741) ["id"]=> int(7741) ["title"]=> string(15) "TSCF-Demo-Photo" ["filename"]=> string(26) "TSCF-Demo-Photo-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1013614) ["url"]=> string(76) "" ["link"]=> string(79) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(15) "tscf-demo-photo" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7740) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 08:24:07" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 08:24:41" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1152) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(77) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(77) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(135) ["medium_large"]=> string(77) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(346) ["large"]=> string(78) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(461) ["1536x1536"]=> string(78) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(691) ["2048x2048"]=> string(78) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(922) } }

Sabi Agri et Ceol par Inrae – TSCF

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7555) ["id"]=> int(7555) ["title"]=> string(8) "IMG_6050" ["filename"]=> string(19) "IMG_6050-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1044159) ["url"]=> string(69) "" ["link"]=> string(46) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(8) "img_6050" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7553) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-07 15:51:24" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-07 15:54:50" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(70) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(70) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(70) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(71) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(72) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(72) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7212) ["id"]=> int(7212) ["title"]=> string(19) "MULA-1250_Sin-fondo" ["filename"]=> string(23) "MULA-1250_Sin-fondo.png" ["filesize"]=> int(218602) ["url"]=> string(73) "" ["link"]=> string(60) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(19) "mula-1250_sin-fondo" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7211) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:23:34" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:23:34" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(800) ["height"]=> int(640) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(81) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(81) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(240) ["medium_large"]=> string(81) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(614) ["large"]=> string(73) "" ["large-width"]=> int(800) ["large-height"]=> int(640) ["1536x1536"]=> string(73) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(800) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(640) ["2048x2048"]=> string(73) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(800) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(640) } }

Mula 1250

Soutenu par

object(stdClass)#4634 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "219" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "10:00:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "10:30:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(38) "Atelier : Prenons en main les robots !" ["description_event"]=> string(626) "Lors d’une session dynamique de 30 minutes, découvrez les étapes clés de la configuration d\'une mission d’un robot. Au cours de cet atelier, vous assisterez à une démonstration détaillée sur l’application du constructeur, qui vous guidera à travers la mise en place des principales fonctionnalités nécessaires au lancement des travaux : paramétrage de l’outil (largeur, poids…), vitesse, sens de travail,... Ensuite, ce sera à votre tour de prendre les commandes : démarrez la mission directement depuis l\'interface du robot, vous offrant ainsi une expérience pratique et immersive. Avec Agrointelli" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "5794" ["localisation"]=> string(20) "Zone Expo - Scène 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7297" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(21) "Thursday 6th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Jeu 6

10:00 - 10:30

Zone Expo - Scène 2

Atelier : Prenons en main les robots !

Démonstration de robot

Lors d’une session dynamique de 30 minutes, découvrez les étapes clés de la configuration d'une mission d’un robot. Au cours de cet atelier, vous assisterez à une démonstration détaillée sur l’application du constructeur, qui vous guidera à travers la mise en place des principales fonctionnalités nécessaires au lancement des travaux : paramétrage de l’outil (largeur, poids…), vitesse, sens de travail,... Ensuite, ce sera à votre tour de prendre les commandes : démarrez la mission directement depuis l'interface du robot, vous offrant ainsi une expérience pratique et immersive. Avec Agrointelli


Lors d’une session dynamique de 30 minutes, découvrez les étapes clés de la configuration d'une mission d’un robot. Au cours de cet atelier, vous assisterez à une démonstration détaillée sur l’application du constructeur, qui vous guidera à travers la mise en place des principales fonctionnalités nécessaires au lancement des travaux : paramétrage de l’outil (largeur, poids…), vitesse, sens de travail,... Ensuite, ce sera à votre tour de prendre les commandes : démarrez la mission directement depuis l'interface du robot, vous offrant ainsi une expérience pratique et immersive.
Avec Agrointelli


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7025) ["id"]=> int(7025) ["title"]=> string(32) "Weeding-StripCrop-2023-05-21-OLG" ["filename"]=> string(45) "Weeding-StripCrop-2023-05-21-OLG-1-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1630879) ["url"]=> string(95) "" ["link"]=> string(78) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(34) "weeding-stripcrop-2023-05-21-olg-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5794) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 10:21:24" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 10:22:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(96) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(96) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(96) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(97) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(98) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(98) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }


object(stdClass)#4633 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "223" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "10:30:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "11:00:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(67) "Grandes cultures : semis, désherbage mécanique et travail du sol" ["description_event"]=> string(77) "Démos réalisées par :
  • Softirob
  • AgXeed
" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(9) "6540,5694" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7301" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(21) "Thursday 6th February" }
array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Jeu 6

10:30 - 11:00

Zone démo 1

Démos réalisées par :
  • Softirob
  • AgXeed


Démos réalisées par :

  • Softirob
  • AgXeed


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(8109) ["id"]=> int(8109) ["title"]=> string(18) "20230419_152035_T2" ["filename"]=> string(29) "20230419_152035_T2-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(971655) ["url"]=> string(79) "" ["link"]=> string(68) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(20) "20230419_152035_t2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(6540) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-29 08:20:30" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-29 08:20:53" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1442) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(80) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(80) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(169) ["medium_large"]=> string(80) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(432) ["large"]=> string(81) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(577) ["1536x1536"]=> string(81) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(865) ["2048x2048"]=> string(82) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1153) } }

AgBot 5115.T2

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(5627) ["id"]=> int(5627) ["title"]=> string(17) "FIRA 2024 HD-1023" ["filename"]=> string(28) "FIRA-2024-HD-1023-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(879935) ["url"]=> string(78) "" ["link"]=> string(57) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(17) "fira-2024-hd-1023" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5626) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-13 12:53:21" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-13 12:53:21" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1708) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(79) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(79) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(79) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(80) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(81) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1025) ["2048x2048"]=> string(81) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1366) } }


object(stdClass)#4617 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "174" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "11:00:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "11:15:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(29) "Robot de cueillette de pommes" ["description_event"]=> string(76) "Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "6266" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7158" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(22) "Wednesday 5th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mer 5

11:00 - 11:15

Demo zone 2

Robot de cueillette de pommes

Démonstration de robot

Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive


Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6513) ["id"]=> int(6513) ["title"]=> string(16) "Apple-Picker-old" ["filename"]=> string(20) "Apple-Picker-old.png" ["filesize"]=> int(5869001) ["url"]=> string(70) "" ["link"]=> string(82) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(16) "apple-picker-old" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(6266) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:20:48" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:20:48" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1414) ["height"]=> int(2000) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(78) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(78) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(212) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(79) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(1086) ["large"]=> string(79) "" ["large-width"]=> int(724) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(80) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1086) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1536) ["2048x2048"]=> string(70) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1414) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(2000) } }

Slopehelper – Cueilleur de pommes

object(stdClass)#4632 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "214" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "11:00:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "11:15:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(60) "Démos virtuelle : \"Robots d\'alimentation et de paillage\"" ["description_event"]=> string(0) "" ["speakers"]=> string(4) "7776" ["robots"]=> string(4) "7765" ["localisation"]=> string(6) "Hangar" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7291" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(22) "Wednesday 5th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mer 5

11:00 - 11:15



array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7762) ["id"]=> int(7762) ["title"]=> string(43) "-UZIeV61Zyl_gI2YndX7e3QdIKZ0B-z-H-JmDe6SjnU" ["filename"]=> string(46) "UZIeV61Zyl_gI2YndX7e3QdIKZ0B-z-H-JmDe6SjnU.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(92589) ["url"]=> string(96) "" ["link"]=> string(91) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(42) "uziev61zyl_gi2yndx7e3qdikz0b-z-h-jmde6sjnu" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7760) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 09:48:11" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 09:51:18" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(910) ["height"]=> int(512) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(104) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(104) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(169) ["medium_large"]=> string(104) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(432) ["large"]=> string(96) "" ["large-width"]=> int(910) ["large-height"]=> int(512) ["1536x1536"]=> string(96) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(910) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(512) ["2048x2048"]=> string(96) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(910) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(512) } }

Aura – Démo Virtuelle

object(stdClass)#4605 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "233" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "11:00:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "11:15:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(28) "Robot d\'entretien forestier" ["description_event"]=> string(54) "Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "5796" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7311" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(21) "Thursday 6th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Jeu 6

11:00 - 11:15

Zone démo 1

Robot d'entretien forestier

Démonstration de robot

Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec


Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6356) ["id"]=> int(6356) ["title"]=> string(19) "thumbnail_ModularE2" ["filename"]=> string(25) "thumbnail_ModularE2-1.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(430776) ["url"]=> string(75) "" ["link"]=> string(67) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(21) "thumbnail_modulare2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5796) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1280) ["height"]=> int(853) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(83) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(83) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(83) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(84) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(682) ["1536x1536"]=> string(75) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1280) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(853) ["2048x2048"]=> string(75) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1280) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(853) } }


object(stdClass)#4628 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "215" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "11:15:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "11:30:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(30) "Robot d\'entretien des vergers" ["description_event"]=> string(39) "Démonstration faite par Pek Automotive" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "6522" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7292" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(22) "Wednesday 5th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mer 5

11:15 - 11:30

Demo zone 2

Robot d'entretien des vergers

Démonstration de robot

Démonstration faite par Pek Automotive


Démonstration faite par Pek Automotive


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6515) ["id"]=> int(6515) ["title"]=> string(12) "Drum-mulcher" ["filename"]=> string(16) "Drum-mulcher.png" ["filesize"]=> int(2131352) ["url"]=> string(66) "" ["link"]=> string(68) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(12) "drum-mulcher" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(3369) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:25:19" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:25:19" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1080) ["height"]=> int(1080) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(74) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(768) ["large"]=> string(76) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(66) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1080) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1080) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1080) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1080) } }

Slopehelper – Broyeur à tambour

object(stdClass)#4649 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "225" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "11:20:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "12:30:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(50) "Viticulture : Travail du rang et de l\'inter-rang " ["description_event"]=> string(220) "Introduction par Hexagon Démonstration faite par Modular E - INESC TEC Aigro up - AIGRO Ted - Naïo technologies JO - Naïo technologies Traxx - EXXACT Robotics Slopehelper Broyeur à tambour - PEK Automotive" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(29) "6522,5796,5790,5789,5785,5784" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(1) "7" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7303" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(21) "Thursday 6th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Jeu 6

11:20 - 12:30

Zone démo 1

Introduction par Hexagon Démonstration faite par Modular E - INESC TEC Aigro up - AIGRO Ted - Naïo technologies JO - Naïo technologies Traxx - EXXACT Robotics Slopehelper Broyeur à tambour - PEK Automotive


Introduction par Hexagon

Démonstration faite par

Modular E - INESC TEC
Aigro up - AIGRO
Ted - Naïo technologies
JO - Naïo technologies
Traxx - EXXACT Robotics
Slopehelper Broyeur à tambour - PEK Automotive


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6515) ["id"]=> int(6515) ["title"]=> string(12) "Drum-mulcher" ["filename"]=> string(16) "Drum-mulcher.png" ["filesize"]=> int(2131352) ["url"]=> string(66) "" ["link"]=> string(68) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(12) "drum-mulcher" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(3369) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:25:19" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:25:19" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1080) ["height"]=> int(1080) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(74) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(768) ["large"]=> string(76) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(66) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1080) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1080) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1080) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1080) } }

Slopehelper – Broyeur à tambour

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6356) ["id"]=> int(6356) ["title"]=> string(19) "thumbnail_ModularE2" ["filename"]=> string(25) "thumbnail_ModularE2-1.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(430776) ["url"]=> string(75) "" ["link"]=> string(67) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(21) "thumbnail_modulare2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5796) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1280) ["height"]=> int(853) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(83) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(83) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(83) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(84) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(682) ["1536x1536"]=> string(75) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1280) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(853) ["2048x2048"]=> string(75) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1280) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(853) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7714) ["id"]=> int(7714) ["title"]=> string(7) "oplus_0" ["filename"]=> string(31) "IMG20240815144238_01-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1178494) ["url"]=> string(81) "" ["link"]=> string(54) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(7) "oplus_0" ["name"]=> string(9) "oplus_0-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5790) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-10 17:31:37" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-10 17:31:37" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(82) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(82) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(82) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(83) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(84) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(84) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }

Aigro Up (4×4/wide)

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7347) ["id"]=> int(7347) ["title"]=> string(16) "FIRA 2024 HD-331" ["filename"]=> string(27) "FIRA-2024-HD-331-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1053547) ["url"]=> string(77) "" ["link"]=> string(60) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(18) "fira-2024-hd-331-4" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5789) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-27 08:51:46" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-27 08:52:51" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1707) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(78) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(78) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(78) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(79) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(80) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1024) ["2048x2048"]=> string(80) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1365) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2066) ["id"]=> int(2066) ["title"]=> string(13) "Jo square (2)" ["filename"]=> string(15) "Jo-square-2.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(205304) ["url"]=> string(65) "" ["link"]=> string(45) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "jo-square-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2032) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 14:13:37" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 14:13:37" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1181) ["height"]=> int(1181) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(73) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(73) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(73) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(768) ["large"]=> string(75) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(65) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1181) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1181) ["2048x2048"]=> string(65) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1181) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1181) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2035) ["id"]=> int(2035) ["title"]=> string(13) "FIRA 20Z3-405" ["filename"]=> string(17) "FIRA-20Z3-405.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1548757) ["url"]=> string(67) "" ["link"]=> string(48) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(13) "fira-20z3-405" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2034) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:07:14" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 07:02:52" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2000) ["height"]=> int(1334) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(75) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(75) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(75) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(76) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(77) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1025) ["2048x2048"]=> string(67) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2000) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1334) } }


Soutenu par

object(stdClass)#4650 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "175" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "11:45:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "12:00:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(28) "Robot d\'entretien forestier" ["description_event"]=> string(54) "Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "5796" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7159" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(22) "Wednesday 5th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mer 5

11:45 - 12:00

Zone démo 1

Robot d'entretien forestier

Démonstration de robot

Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec


Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6356) ["id"]=> int(6356) ["title"]=> string(19) "thumbnail_ModularE2" ["filename"]=> string(25) "thumbnail_ModularE2-1.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(430776) ["url"]=> string(75) "" ["link"]=> string(67) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(21) "thumbnail_modulare2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5796) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1280) ["height"]=> int(853) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(83) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(83) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(83) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(84) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(682) ["1536x1536"]=> string(75) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1280) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(853) ["2048x2048"]=> string(75) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1280) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(853) } }


object(stdClass)#4651 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "159" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "13:30:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "14:15:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(47) "Travaux de la vigne : pulvérisation et guidage" ["description_event"]=> string(0) "" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(14) "7743,7557,7213" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(1) "7" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7143" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

13:30 - 14:15

Demo zone 1


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7741) ["id"]=> int(7741) ["title"]=> string(15) "TSCF-Demo-Photo" ["filename"]=> string(26) "TSCF-Demo-Photo-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1013614) ["url"]=> string(76) "" ["link"]=> string(79) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(15) "tscf-demo-photo" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7740) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 08:24:07" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 08:24:41" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1152) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(77) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(77) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(135) ["medium_large"]=> string(77) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(346) ["large"]=> string(78) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(461) ["1536x1536"]=> string(78) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(691) ["2048x2048"]=> string(78) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(922) } }

Sabi Agri et Ceol par Inrae – TSCF

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7555) ["id"]=> int(7555) ["title"]=> string(8) "IMG_6050" ["filename"]=> string(19) "IMG_6050-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1044159) ["url"]=> string(69) "" ["link"]=> string(46) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(8) "img_6050" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7553) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-07 15:51:24" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-07 15:54:50" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(70) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(70) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(70) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(71) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(72) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(72) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7212) ["id"]=> int(7212) ["title"]=> string(19) "MULA-1250_Sin-fondo" ["filename"]=> string(23) "MULA-1250_Sin-fondo.png" ["filesize"]=> int(218602) ["url"]=> string(73) "" ["link"]=> string(60) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(19) "mula-1250_sin-fondo" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7211) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:23:34" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:23:34" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(800) ["height"]=> int(640) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(81) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(81) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(240) ["medium_large"]=> string(81) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(614) ["large"]=> string(73) "" ["large-width"]=> int(800) ["large-height"]=> int(640) ["1536x1536"]=> string(73) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(800) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(640) ["2048x2048"]=> string(73) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(800) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(640) } }

Mula 1250

Soutenu par

object(stdClass)#4652 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "227" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "1" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "13:45:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "14:45:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(54) "Légumes : travail du sol et solutions de désherbage " ["description_event"]=> string(134) "Démonstrations réalisées par : Orio par Naïo technologies Oz par Naïo technologies ORBIBA Robotique Robotti par AGROINTELLI" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(19) "7230,5794,5786,5783" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7305" ["name_category"]=> string(16) "Panel discussion" ["date_event_text"]=> string(21) "Thursday 6th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Jeu 6

13:45 - 14:45

Zone démo 1

Démonstrations réalisées par : Orio par Naïo technologies Oz par Naïo technologies ORBIBA Robotique Robotti par AGROINTELLI


Démonstrations réalisées par :

Orio par Naïo technologies
Oz par Naïo technologies
ORBIBA Robotique


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7229) ["id"]=> int(7229) ["title"]=> string(2) "m8" ["filename"]=> string(28) "m8-scaled-e1736356711474.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(804404) ["url"]=> string(78) "" ["link"]=> string(46) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(2) "m8" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7228) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:54:01" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:54:01" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1920) ["height"]=> int(1590) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(86) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(86) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(248) ["medium_large"]=> string(86) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(636) ["large"]=> string(87) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(848) ["1536x1536"]=> string(88) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1272) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1536) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(2048) } }

Orbiba Robot

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7025) ["id"]=> int(7025) ["title"]=> string(32) "Weeding-StripCrop-2023-05-21-OLG" ["filename"]=> string(45) "Weeding-StripCrop-2023-05-21-OLG-1-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1630879) ["url"]=> string(95) "" ["link"]=> string(78) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(34) "weeding-stripcrop-2023-05-21-olg-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5794) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 10:21:24" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 10:22:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(96) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(96) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(96) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(97) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(98) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(98) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2037) ["id"]=> int(2037) ["title"]=> string(14) "ALC_8440-3 (1)" ["filename"]=> string(23) "ALC_8440-3-1-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(722453) ["url"]=> string(73) "" ["link"]=> string(48) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(12) "alc_8440-3-1" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2036) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:10:56" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:10:56" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1703) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(74) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(511) ["large"]=> string(75) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(681) ["1536x1536"]=> string(76) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1022) ["2048x2048"]=> string(76) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1363) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(1480) ["id"]=> int(1480) ["title"]=> string(13) "Robot #3-1@2x" ["filename"]=> string(16) "Robot-3-1@2x.png" ["filesize"]=> int(979368) ["url"]=> string(66) "" ["link"]=> string(45) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "2" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "robot-3-12x" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(1479) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-09-10 14:21:22" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-09-10 14:21:22" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(620) ["height"]=> int(680) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(274) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(66) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(620) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(680) ["large"]=> string(66) "" ["large-width"]=> int(620) ["large-height"]=> int(680) ["1536x1536"]=> string(66) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(620) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(680) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(620) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(680) } }


object(stdClass)#4653 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "229" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "13:45:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "14:00:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(29) "Robot de cueillette de pommes" ["description_event"]=> string(76) "Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "6266" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7307" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(21) "Thursday 6th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Jeu 6

13:45 - 14:00

Zone démo 2

Robot de cueillette de pommes

Démonstration de robot

Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive


Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6513) ["id"]=> int(6513) ["title"]=> string(16) "Apple-Picker-old" ["filename"]=> string(20) "Apple-Picker-old.png" ["filesize"]=> int(5869001) ["url"]=> string(70) "" ["link"]=> string(82) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(16) "apple-picker-old" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(6266) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:20:48" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:20:48" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1414) ["height"]=> int(2000) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(78) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(78) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(212) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(79) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(1086) ["large"]=> string(79) "" ["large-width"]=> int(724) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(80) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1086) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1536) ["2048x2048"]=> string(70) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1414) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(2000) } }

Slopehelper – Cueilleur de pommes

object(stdClass)#4654 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "231" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "14:00:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "14:30:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(30) "Robot d\'entretien des vergers" ["description_event"]=> string(0) "" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "6522" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7309" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(21) "Thursday 6th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Jeu 6

14:00 - 14:30

Zone démo 2

Robot d'entretien des vergers

Démonstration de robot


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6515) ["id"]=> int(6515) ["title"]=> string(12) "Drum-mulcher" ["filename"]=> string(16) "Drum-mulcher.png" ["filesize"]=> int(2131352) ["url"]=> string(66) "" ["link"]=> string(68) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(12) "drum-mulcher" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(3369) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:25:19" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:25:19" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1080) ["height"]=> int(1080) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(74) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(768) ["large"]=> string(76) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(66) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1080) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1080) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1080) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1080) } }

Slopehelper – Broyeur à tambour

object(stdClass)#4655 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "236" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "14:20:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "15:20:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(54) "Légumes : travail du sol et solutions de désherbage " ["description_event"]=> string(134) "Démonstrations réalisées par : Orio par Naïo technologies Oz par Naïo technologies ORBIBA Robotique Robotti par AGROINTELLI" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(19) "7230,5794,5786,5783" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7423" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

14:20 - 15:20

Zone démo 1

Démonstrations réalisées par : Orio par Naïo technologies Oz par Naïo technologies ORBIBA Robotique Robotti par AGROINTELLI


Démonstrations réalisées par :

Orio par Naïo technologies
Oz par Naïo technologies
ORBIBA Robotique


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7229) ["id"]=> int(7229) ["title"]=> string(2) "m8" ["filename"]=> string(28) "m8-scaled-e1736356711474.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(804404) ["url"]=> string(78) "" ["link"]=> string(46) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(2) "m8" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7228) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:54:01" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:54:01" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1920) ["height"]=> int(1590) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(86) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(86) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(248) ["medium_large"]=> string(86) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(636) ["large"]=> string(87) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(848) ["1536x1536"]=> string(88) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1272) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1536) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(2048) } }

Orbiba Robot

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7025) ["id"]=> int(7025) ["title"]=> string(32) "Weeding-StripCrop-2023-05-21-OLG" ["filename"]=> string(45) "Weeding-StripCrop-2023-05-21-OLG-1-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1630879) ["url"]=> string(95) "" ["link"]=> string(78) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(34) "weeding-stripcrop-2023-05-21-olg-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5794) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 10:21:24" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 10:22:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(96) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(96) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(96) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(97) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(98) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(98) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2037) ["id"]=> int(2037) ["title"]=> string(14) "ALC_8440-3 (1)" ["filename"]=> string(23) "ALC_8440-3-1-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(722453) ["url"]=> string(73) "" ["link"]=> string(48) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(12) "alc_8440-3-1" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2036) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:10:56" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:10:56" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1703) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(74) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(511) ["large"]=> string(75) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(681) ["1536x1536"]=> string(76) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1022) ["2048x2048"]=> string(76) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1363) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(1480) ["id"]=> int(1480) ["title"]=> string(13) "Robot #3-1@2x" ["filename"]=> string(16) "Robot-3-1@2x.png" ["filesize"]=> int(979368) ["url"]=> string(66) "" ["link"]=> string(45) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "2" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "robot-3-12x" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(1479) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-09-10 14:21:22" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-09-10 14:21:22" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(620) ["height"]=> int(680) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(274) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(66) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(620) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(680) ["large"]=> string(66) "" ["large-width"]=> int(620) ["large-height"]=> int(680) ["1536x1536"]=> string(66) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(620) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(680) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(620) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(680) } }


object(stdClass)#4656 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "165" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "14:30:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "14:45:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(29) "Robot de cueillette de pommes" ["description_event"]=> string(76) "Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "6266" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7149" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

14:30 - 14:45

Demo zone 2

Robot de cueillette de pommes

Démonstration de robot

Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive


Démonstration faite par le cueilleur de pommes Slopehelper - Pek Automotive


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6513) ["id"]=> int(6513) ["title"]=> string(16) "Apple-Picker-old" ["filename"]=> string(20) "Apple-Picker-old.png" ["filesize"]=> int(5869001) ["url"]=> string(70) "" ["link"]=> string(82) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(16) "apple-picker-old" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(6266) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:20:48" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:20:48" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1414) ["height"]=> int(2000) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(78) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(78) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(212) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(79) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(1086) ["large"]=> string(79) "" ["large-width"]=> int(724) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(80) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1086) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1536) ["2048x2048"]=> string(70) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1414) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(2000) } }

Slopehelper – Cueilleur de pommes

object(stdClass)#4657 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "173" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "14:30:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "15:00:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(67) "Grandes cultures : semis, désherbage mécanique et travail du sol" ["description_event"]=> string(86) "Démonstrations réalisées par :
  • Softirob
  • AgXeed
" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(9) "6540,5694" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7157" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(22) "Wednesday 5th February" }
array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mer 5

14:30 - 15:00

Demo zone 1

Démonstrations réalisées par :
  • Softirob
  • AgXeed


Démonstrations réalisées par :

  • Softirob
  • AgXeed


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(8109) ["id"]=> int(8109) ["title"]=> string(18) "20230419_152035_T2" ["filename"]=> string(29) "20230419_152035_T2-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(971655) ["url"]=> string(79) "" ["link"]=> string(68) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(20) "20230419_152035_t2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(6540) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-29 08:20:30" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-29 08:20:53" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1442) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(80) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(80) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(169) ["medium_large"]=> string(80) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(432) ["large"]=> string(81) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(577) ["1536x1536"]=> string(81) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(865) ["2048x2048"]=> string(82) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1153) } }

AgBot 5115.T2

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(5627) ["id"]=> int(5627) ["title"]=> string(17) "FIRA 2024 HD-1023" ["filename"]=> string(28) "FIRA-2024-HD-1023-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(879935) ["url"]=> string(78) "" ["link"]=> string(57) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(17) "fira-2024-hd-1023" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5626) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-13 12:53:21" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-13 12:53:21" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1708) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(79) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(79) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(79) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(80) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(81) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1025) ["2048x2048"]=> string(81) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1366) } }


object(stdClass)#4658 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "166" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "14:45:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "15:00:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(30) "Robot d\'entretien des vergers" ["description_event"]=> string(39) "Démonstration faite par Pek Automotive" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "6522" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7150" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

14:45 - 15:00

Demo zone 2

Robot d'entretien des vergers

Démonstration de robot

Démonstration faite par Pek Automotive


Démonstration faite par Pek Automotive


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6515) ["id"]=> int(6515) ["title"]=> string(12) "Drum-mulcher" ["filename"]=> string(16) "Drum-mulcher.png" ["filesize"]=> int(2131352) ["url"]=> string(66) "" ["link"]=> string(68) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(12) "drum-mulcher" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(3369) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:25:19" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-05 10:25:19" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1080) ["height"]=> int(1080) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(74) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(768) ["large"]=> string(76) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(66) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1080) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1080) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1080) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1080) } }

Slopehelper – Broyeur à tambour

object(stdClass)#4659 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "235" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "14:45:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "15:30:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(47) "Travaux de la vigne : pulvérisation et guidage" ["description_event"]=> string(0) "" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(14) "7743,7557,7213" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(1) "7" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7313" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(21) "Thursday 6th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Jeu 6

14:45 - 15:30

Zone démo 1


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7741) ["id"]=> int(7741) ["title"]=> string(15) "TSCF-Demo-Photo" ["filename"]=> string(26) "TSCF-Demo-Photo-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1013614) ["url"]=> string(76) "" ["link"]=> string(79) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(15) "tscf-demo-photo" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7740) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 08:24:07" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 08:24:41" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1152) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(77) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(77) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(135) ["medium_large"]=> string(77) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(346) ["large"]=> string(78) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(461) ["1536x1536"]=> string(78) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(691) ["2048x2048"]=> string(78) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(922) } }

Sabi Agri et Ceol par Inrae – TSCF

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7555) ["id"]=> int(7555) ["title"]=> string(8) "IMG_6050" ["filename"]=> string(19) "IMG_6050-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1044159) ["url"]=> string(69) "" ["link"]=> string(46) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(8) "img_6050" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7553) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-07 15:51:24" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-07 15:54:50" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(70) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(70) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(70) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(71) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(72) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(72) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7212) ["id"]=> int(7212) ["title"]=> string(19) "MULA-1250_Sin-fondo" ["filename"]=> string(23) "MULA-1250_Sin-fondo.png" ["filesize"]=> int(218602) ["url"]=> string(73) "" ["link"]=> string(60) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(19) "mula-1250_sin-fondo" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7211) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:23:34" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:23:34" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(800) ["height"]=> int(640) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(81) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(81) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(240) ["medium_large"]=> string(81) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(614) ["large"]=> string(73) "" ["large-width"]=> int(800) ["large-height"]=> int(640) ["1536x1536"]=> string(73) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(800) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(640) ["2048x2048"]=> string(73) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(800) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(640) } }

Mula 1250

Soutenu par

object(stdClass)#4660 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "163" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "15:15:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "15:30:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(28) "Robot d\'entretien forestier" ["description_event"]=> string(54) "Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(4) "5796" ["localisation"]=> string(12) "Zone démo 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7147" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

15:15 - 15:30

Zone démo 1

Robot d'entretien forestier

Démonstration de robot

Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec


Démonstration réalisée par Modular E avec Inesc Tec


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6356) ["id"]=> int(6356) ["title"]=> string(19) "thumbnail_ModularE2" ["filename"]=> string(25) "thumbnail_ModularE2-1.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(430776) ["url"]=> string(75) "" ["link"]=> string(67) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(21) "thumbnail_modulare2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5796) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1280) ["height"]=> int(853) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(83) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(83) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(83) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(84) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(682) ["1536x1536"]=> string(75) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1280) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(853) ["2048x2048"]=> string(75) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1280) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(853) } }


object(stdClass)#4661 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "176" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "15:15:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "16:15:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(54) "Légumes : travail du sol et solutions de désherbage " ["description_event"]=> string(134) "Démonstrations réalisées par : Orio par Naïo technologies Oz par Naïo technologies ORBIBA Robotique Robotti par AGROINTELLI" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(19) "7230,5794,5786,5783" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7160" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(22) "Wednesday 5th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mer 5

15:15 - 16:15

Demo zone 1

Démonstrations réalisées par : Orio par Naïo technologies Oz par Naïo technologies ORBIBA Robotique Robotti par AGROINTELLI


Démonstrations réalisées par :

Orio par Naïo technologies
Oz par Naïo technologies
ORBIBA Robotique


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7229) ["id"]=> int(7229) ["title"]=> string(2) "m8" ["filename"]=> string(28) "m8-scaled-e1736356711474.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(804404) ["url"]=> string(78) "" ["link"]=> string(46) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(2) "m8" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7228) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:54:01" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 09:54:01" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1920) ["height"]=> int(1590) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(86) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(86) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(248) ["medium_large"]=> string(86) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(636) ["large"]=> string(87) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(848) ["1536x1536"]=> string(88) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1272) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1536) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(2048) } }

Orbiba Robot

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7025) ["id"]=> int(7025) ["title"]=> string(32) "Weeding-StripCrop-2023-05-21-OLG" ["filename"]=> string(45) "Weeding-StripCrop-2023-05-21-OLG-1-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1630879) ["url"]=> string(95) "" ["link"]=> string(78) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(34) "weeding-stripcrop-2023-05-21-olg-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5794) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 10:21:24" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 10:22:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(96) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(96) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(96) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(97) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(98) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(98) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2037) ["id"]=> int(2037) ["title"]=> string(14) "ALC_8440-3 (1)" ["filename"]=> string(23) "ALC_8440-3-1-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(722453) ["url"]=> string(73) "" ["link"]=> string(48) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(12) "alc_8440-3-1" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2036) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:10:56" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:10:56" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1703) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(74) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(511) ["large"]=> string(75) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(681) ["1536x1536"]=> string(76) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1022) ["2048x2048"]=> string(76) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1363) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(1480) ["id"]=> int(1480) ["title"]=> string(13) "Robot #3-1@2x" ["filename"]=> string(16) "Robot-3-1@2x.png" ["filesize"]=> int(979368) ["url"]=> string(66) "" ["link"]=> string(45) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "2" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "robot-3-12x" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(1479) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-09-10 14:21:22" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-09-10 14:21:22" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(620) ["height"]=> int(680) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(74) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(274) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(66) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(620) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(680) ["large"]=> string(66) "" ["large-width"]=> int(620) ["large-height"]=> int(680) ["1536x1536"]=> string(66) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(620) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(680) ["2048x2048"]=> string(66) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(620) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(680) } }


object(stdClass)#4662 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "161" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "15:30:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "16:00:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(63) "Démo virtuelle : \"Élevage : IA et prédiction des maladies\"" ["description_event"]=> string(0) "" ["speakers"]=> string(4) "6812" ["robots"]=> string(4) "7753" ["localisation"]=> string(20) "Zone Expo - Scène 2" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7145" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

15:30 - 16:00

Zone Expo - Scène 2


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7749) ["id"]=> int(7749) ["title"]=> string(43) "4OI-1PDk2YNMhNpe8n0WoCnSKWOQRRPimMNRHya3zkA" ["filename"]=> string(47) "4OI-1PDk2YNMhNpe8n0WoCnSKWOQRRPimMNRHya3zkA.png" ["filesize"]=> int(167129) ["url"]=> string(97) "" ["link"]=> string(100) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(43) "4oi-1pdk2ynmhnpe8n0wocnskwoqrrpimmnrhya3zka" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(7748) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 09:38:14" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-11 09:38:14" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(499) ["height"]=> int(465) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(105) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(105) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(280) ["medium_large"]=> string(97) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(499) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(465) ["large"]=> string(97) "" ["large-width"]=> int(499) ["large-height"]=> int(465) ["1536x1536"]=> string(97) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(499) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(465) ["2048x2048"]=> string(97) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(499) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(465) } }

DeLaval Plus – Démo Virtuelle

object(stdClass)#4663 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "162" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "15:45:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "16:45:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(50) "Viticulture : Travail du rang et de l\'inter-rang " ["description_event"]=> string(175) "Introduction par Hexagon Démonstrations faites par : Modular E - INESC TEC Aigro up - AIGRO Ted - Naïo technologies JO - Naïo technologies Traxx - EXXACT Robotics" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(24) "5796,5790,5789,5785,5784" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(1) "7" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7146" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

15:45 - 16:45

Demo zone 1

Introduction par Hexagon Démonstrations faites par : Modular E - INESC TEC Aigro up - AIGRO Ted - Naïo technologies JO - Naïo technologies Traxx - EXXACT Robotics


Introduction par Hexagon

Démonstrations faites par :

Modular E - INESC TEC
Aigro up - AIGRO
Ted - Naïo technologies
JO - Naïo technologies
Traxx - EXXACT Robotics


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6356) ["id"]=> int(6356) ["title"]=> string(19) "thumbnail_ModularE2" ["filename"]=> string(25) "thumbnail_ModularE2-1.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(430776) ["url"]=> string(75) "" ["link"]=> string(67) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(21) "thumbnail_modulare2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5796) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1280) ["height"]=> int(853) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(83) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(83) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(83) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(84) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(682) ["1536x1536"]=> string(75) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1280) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(853) ["2048x2048"]=> string(75) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1280) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(853) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7714) ["id"]=> int(7714) ["title"]=> string(7) "oplus_0" ["filename"]=> string(31) "IMG20240815144238_01-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1178494) ["url"]=> string(81) "" ["link"]=> string(54) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(7) "oplus_0" ["name"]=> string(9) "oplus_0-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5790) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-10 17:31:37" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-10 17:31:37" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(82) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(82) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(82) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(83) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(84) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(84) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }

Aigro Up (4×4/wide)

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7347) ["id"]=> int(7347) ["title"]=> string(16) "FIRA 2024 HD-331" ["filename"]=> string(27) "FIRA-2024-HD-331-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1053547) ["url"]=> string(77) "" ["link"]=> string(60) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(18) "fira-2024-hd-331-4" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5789) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-27 08:51:46" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-27 08:52:51" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1707) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(78) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(78) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(78) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(79) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(80) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1024) ["2048x2048"]=> string(80) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1365) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2066) ["id"]=> int(2066) ["title"]=> string(13) "Jo square (2)" ["filename"]=> string(15) "Jo-square-2.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(205304) ["url"]=> string(65) "" ["link"]=> string(45) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "jo-square-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2032) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 14:13:37" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 14:13:37" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1181) ["height"]=> int(1181) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(73) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(73) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(73) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(768) ["large"]=> string(75) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(65) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1181) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1181) ["2048x2048"]=> string(65) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1181) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1181) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2035) ["id"]=> int(2035) ["title"]=> string(13) "FIRA 20Z3-405" ["filename"]=> string(17) "FIRA-20Z3-405.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1548757) ["url"]=> string(67) "" ["link"]=> string(48) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(13) "fira-20z3-405" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2034) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:07:14" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 07:02:52" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2000) ["height"]=> int(1334) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(75) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(75) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(75) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(76) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(77) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1025) ["2048x2048"]=> string(67) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2000) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1334) } }


Soutenu par

object(stdClass)#4664 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "217" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "16:15:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "17:15:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(50) "Viticulture : Travail du rang et de l\'inter-rang " ["description_event"]=> string(171) "Introduction par Hexagon Démonstration faite par Modular E - INESC TEC Aigro up - AIGRO Ted - Naïo technologies JO - Naïo technologies Traxx - EXXACT Robotics" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(24) "5796,5790,5789,5785,5784" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(1) "7" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7295" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(22) "Wednesday 5th February" } array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mer 5

16:15 - 17:15

Demo zone 1

Introduction par Hexagon Démonstration faite par Modular E - INESC TEC Aigro up - AIGRO Ted - Naïo technologies JO - Naïo technologies Traxx - EXXACT Robotics


Introduction par Hexagon

Démonstration faite par

Modular E - INESC TEC
Aigro up - AIGRO
Ted - Naïo technologies
JO - Naïo technologies
Traxx - EXXACT Robotics


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(6356) ["id"]=> int(6356) ["title"]=> string(19) "thumbnail_ModularE2" ["filename"]=> string(25) "thumbnail_ModularE2-1.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(430776) ["url"]=> string(75) "" ["link"]=> string(67) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(21) "thumbnail_modulare2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5796) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-29 13:05:04" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1280) ["height"]=> int(853) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(83) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(83) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(83) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(84) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(682) ["1536x1536"]=> string(75) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1280) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(853) ["2048x2048"]=> string(75) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1280) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(853) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7714) ["id"]=> int(7714) ["title"]=> string(7) "oplus_0" ["filename"]=> string(31) "IMG20240815144238_01-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1178494) ["url"]=> string(81) "" ["link"]=> string(54) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(7) "oplus_0" ["name"]=> string(9) "oplus_0-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5790) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-10 17:31:37" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-10 17:31:37" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1920) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(82) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(82) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(225) ["medium_large"]=> string(82) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(576) ["large"]=> string(83) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(768) ["1536x1536"]=> string(84) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1152) ["2048x2048"]=> string(84) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1536) } }

Aigro Up (4×4/wide)

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(7347) ["id"]=> int(7347) ["title"]=> string(16) "FIRA 2024 HD-331" ["filename"]=> string(27) "FIRA-2024-HD-331-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1053547) ["url"]=> string(77) "" ["link"]=> string(60) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(18) "fira-2024-hd-331-4" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5789) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-12-27 08:51:46" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-27 08:52:51" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1707) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(78) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(78) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(78) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(79) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(80) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1024) ["2048x2048"]=> string(80) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1365) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2066) ["id"]=> int(2066) ["title"]=> string(13) "Jo square (2)" ["filename"]=> string(15) "Jo-square-2.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(205304) ["url"]=> string(65) "" ["link"]=> string(45) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "jo-square-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2032) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 14:13:37" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 14:13:37" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(1181) ["height"]=> int(1181) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(73) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(73) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(73) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(768) ["large"]=> string(75) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(65) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1181) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1181) ["2048x2048"]=> string(65) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1181) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1181) } }


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(2035) ["id"]=> int(2035) ["title"]=> string(13) "FIRA 20Z3-405" ["filename"]=> string(17) "FIRA-20Z3-405.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(1548757) ["url"]=> string(67) "" ["link"]=> string(48) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(13) "fira-20z3-405" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(2034) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-10-13 16:07:14" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-10-16 07:02:52" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2000) ["height"]=> int(1334) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(75) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(75) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(75) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(76) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(77) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1025) ["2048x2048"]=> string(67) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2000) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1334) } }


Soutenu par

object(stdClass)#4665 (15) { ["id_event"]=> string(3) "164" ["id_category"]=> string(1) "2" ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["time_start"]=> string(8) "17:00:00" ["time_end"]=> string(8) "17:30:00" ["language_event"]=> string(2) "fr" ["name_event"]=> string(67) "Grandes cultures : semis, désherbage mécanique et travail du sol" ["description_event"]=> string(86) "Démonstrations réalisées par :
  • Softirob
  • AgXeed
" ["speakers"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(9) "6540,5694" ["localisation"]=> string(11) "Demo zone 1" ["id_sponsor"]=> string(0) "" ["id_post_event"]=> string(4) "7148" ["name_category"]=> string(10) "Robot demo" ["date_event_text"]=> string(20) "Tuesday 4th February" }
array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#4621 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-04" ["date_event_text"]=> string(11) "Tuesday 4th" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#4648 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-05" ["date_event_text"]=> string(13) "Wednesday 5th" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4618 (2) { ["date_event"]=> string(10) "2025-02-06" ["date_event_text"]=> string(12) "Thursday 6th" } }

Mar 4

17:00 - 17:30

Demo zone 1

Démonstrations réalisées par :
  • Softirob
  • AgXeed


Démonstrations réalisées par :

  • Softirob
  • AgXeed


array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(8109) ["id"]=> int(8109) ["title"]=> string(18) "20230419_152035_T2" ["filename"]=> string(29) "20230419_152035_T2-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(971655) ["url"]=> string(79) "" ["link"]=> string(68) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(20) "20230419_152035_t2-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(6540) ["date"]=> string(19) "2025-01-29 08:20:30" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-29 08:20:53" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1442) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(80) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(80) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(169) ["medium_large"]=> string(80) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(432) ["large"]=> string(81) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(577) ["1536x1536"]=> string(81) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(865) ["2048x2048"]=> string(82) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1153) } }

AgBot 5115.T2

array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(5627) ["id"]=> int(5627) ["title"]=> string(17) "FIRA 2024 HD-1023" ["filename"]=> string(28) "FIRA-2024-HD-1023-scaled.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(879935) ["url"]=> string(78) "" ["link"]=> string(57) "" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["author"]=> string(1) "6" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(17) "fira-2024-hd-1023" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(5626) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-11-13 12:53:21" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-11-13 12:53:21" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(59) "" ["width"]=> int(2560) ["height"]=> int(1708) ["sizes"]=> array(18) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(79) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(79) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(200) ["medium_large"]=> string(79) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(512) ["large"]=> string(80) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(683) ["1536x1536"]=> string(81) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1025) ["2048x2048"]=> string(81) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2048) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1366) } }
