array(1) {
string(29) "AND ae.speakers LIKE "%6760%""
string(29) "AND ae.speakers LIKE "%6760%""
string(312) "SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(date_event, '%W %D %M') AS date_event_text from wp_1061108_icc_new_agenda_event ae
INNER JOIN wp_1061108_icc_new_agenda_event_categories aec ON ae.id_category = aec.id_category
WHERE language_event = 'en'
AND ae.speakers LIKE "%6760%"
ORDER BY time_start ASC"
array(1) {
object(stdClass)#5547 (15) {
string(3) "201"
string(1) "5"
string(10) "2025-02-04"
string(8) "14:00:00"
string(8) "15:30:00"
string(2) "en"
string(64) "Session #3: Innovative tools for robots adapted to new practices"
string(639) "Keynote speaker following with lightning talks presenting the latest research.
#1 Axel Streit, Wageningen University & Research - “Challenges and feasibility of robotic winter vine pruning”
#2 James Florin Petri, Maynooth University “Proximal RGB-D-Based Phenotyping Platform for Cereal Crops”
#3 - Dr. ir. Joep Tummers Wageningen University & Research “Robots Meet Reality: Social and Economic Validation for Agrifood Tech OR Robots in the Field, Euros in the Bank: The Art of Social-Economic Validation”
#4 Xavier Reboud, INRAE “Topping weeds using robots: knowledge, challenges and research avenues3”"
string(4) "6760"
string(0) ""
string(6) "Hangar"
string(7) "5,11,28"
string(4) "7273"
string(7) "Keynote"
string(20) "Tuesday 4th February"