Keynote speaker following with lightning talks presenting the latest research.
#1 Dr. ir. Joep Tummers, Wageningen University & Research - “Creating Order in the Chaos: Standardization and Interoperability in the Agricultural Data Landscape”
#2 Alexis Bras, INRAE - “Toward a Better Understanding of Robot Energy Consumption in Agroecological Applications”
#3 Catia Pinto, Smart Farm Colab - “Intelligent Spray Management with real time prescription of the production factors: the importance to have a robust data set collection”
#4 Phillip Hildner, Technische Universita et Braunschweig, Institute for Mobile Machines and Commercial Vehicles - “Spot Farming: Harnessing existing data for novel cultivation concepts. Approach and limitation”
Tue. 04 Febuary
10:30 am - 12:00 pm