During 24 years Dr. Ignasi Iglesias has been a senior researcher working at in the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA-Catalonia, Spain). He is pip, stone and citrus fruit pomologist. During his thirty years career, his research activity focuses on the performance of new innovative fruit cultivars, consumer acceptance, new rootstocks and training systems performance in the warm areas of NE Spain in order to gain knowledge to improve the competitiveness of fruit industry and academy. Furthermore, he has taken part as leading member in a series of European and Spanish Research Programs. He has published 68 scientific papers (SCI), 126 technical articles, 11 books/chapters and has participated in more than 87 technical sessions and 45 seminars. Dr. Iglesias currently working as Technical and Development Manager in Agromillora Group since 2018, developing in collaboration with research centers, universities and companies, innovative agronomical models in woody plants, based on the efficiency in the use of inputs for a better environmental and growers profit sustainability, combining the advances in genetics (new varieties and new rootstocks), training systems and technology of fruit production in particular mechanization, monitorization, digitalization and robotics.
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM