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About Bruno Tisseyre

Professor at Montpellier SupAgro – France
1996 : associate professor (Institut Agro – Montpellier SupAgro – France)
2003-2004 : visiting professor at the Australian center for precision agriculture (university of Sydney),
2012 : HDR defense (“Habilitation à diriger des recherches”),
2016 : Full Professor in charge of the precision agriculture chair
Study program in precision agriculture (master 1 and 2), Institut Agro
Study program in Viticulture engineering (master 2), Institut Agro
Head of the research and teaching consortium AgroTIC (2017-2025)
Consortium which gathers 27 companies on digital agriculture
Head of the observatory digital Mediterranean farm (Mas numérique) The observatory gathers 15 companies on a same farm
Initiation and leading various research projects in the field of precision viticulture at local and international level :
i) Spatial data fusion and geostatistics,
ii) Spatial segmentation and zoning,
iii) Development of methods and tools to characterize the spatial variability of cultivation (Opportunity index),
iv) for spatial extrapolation (mainly applied to the vine water status).
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