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About Ole Green

Ole Green, Founder and CEO of AGROINTELLI with its main product ROBOTTI

Ole has been working with automation and robotics for almost 20 years and is one of the true robotic pioneers.

Ole has been working with technical R&D since he founded his first company at the age of 18.

He is Founder and CEO of a Danish company AGROINTELLI who stands behind its main product ROBOTTI. He is at the same time honorary professor at Aarhus University, engineer, contractor, inventor, and farmer. In 2018 he was awarded the Innovator of the Year prize by the Innovation Foundation Denmark for having built a bridge between key research and industry.

His mission is to reduce agricultural environmental impact through automation and adoption of new technology – for a more sustainable plant production (profit and environment) through novel applications of sensor technologies in future agricultural production, automation of field operations and optimizing the use of land and machinery. Reducing impact from machinery and future weed control and tillage equipment on soil and crops.

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