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In Expo

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ENSFEA École nationale supérieure de formation de l'enseignement agricole (National Agricultural Training School)

Education & Research


About ENSFEA École nationale supérieure de formation de l'enseignement agricole

ENSFEA (Ecole nationale supérieure de formation de l'enseignement agricole) is a public institution of higher education training teachers of agricultural schools, located in Toulouse. It is supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture (Ministère de l'agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire).
Since 1963 when it was founded, it has been performing one of its main mission - professional education and training - for teachers and chief education advisers. It has been delivered the accreditation to issue the master's degree MEEF (Métiers de l'éducation, de l'enseignement et de la formation) in education, teaching and training for public agricultural schools' staff, and the master's degree IFSE (Ingénierie de la formation et des systèmes d'emploi) in training and employment system engineering.
ENSFEA is involved in research, innovation and engineering actions dedicated to the agricultural training as part of a network gathering research and higher education institutions. Through Iits expertise and the production of pedagogical resources, it supports the vocational agricultural educational system.

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